Big Wreck’s Ghosts isn’t your typical download track 6 and then track 3 iTunes package. To fully appreciate Ghosts requires you to pay attention to the entire disc. More thematic than conceptual, Ghosts takes you on a 13-track aural journey through Ian Thornley’s lyrical prose and Brian Doherty’s sonic guitar instrumentals, supported by additional guitar work from Paulo Neta and a rhythmic bottom end supplied by bassist Dave McMillan and drummer Chuck Keeping. In the day, Ghosts would be favourably compared to work by Genesis, King Crimson, Pink Floyd or Yes or more modern day offerings by the likes of Chris Martin. Each track has a connection and a flow to it which requires time and patience to fully comprehend Ghosts as a complete piece of work. From the opening track “A Place To Call Home”through the title track and “Come What May” which have both been culled as singles, Ghosts has a rhythmic flow which transcends each individual song, concluding with a brief acoustic reprise of “A Place To Call Home”. So how would you describe Big Wreck, Heavy Metal?, Progressive Rock?, all or none of the above? What does bring the record into focus is a stunning cover of Tom Robinson’s “War Baby” which provides an epic collaboration of Thornley’s powerful vocals and Doherty’s cosmic guitar instrumentals. No obvious singles here, just a tasteful collection of well-orchestrated compositions that are both thoughtful and provocative.
Download: “War Baby”, “A Place To Call Home”