
Space Station 5 – Celebrity Playlist: Jean Marc Pisapia

[styled_box title=”Celebrity of the Week” color=”blue”]Jean Marc Pisapia – singer/songwriter founding member of The Box and early member of Men Without Hats[/styled_box]

This week’s Space Station 5 comes to us from Jean Marc Pisapia.

Well first of all, just to get me in the space mood, I’d make sure I have The Police’s Regatta De Blanc at hand because of “Walking On The Moon” (!) what else!! These guys simply reinvented the wheel with their unique blend of Reggae and Pop and that particular song embodies this perfectly.

Then, gazing down on our war torn planet, Seal’s Crazy would naturally come to mind given all the nut cases who fight over who’s got the right god…

Of course, given I’m a social animal who would get bored to death after only a few hours all by myself up there, it would be time for LMFAO’s Sorry For Party Rocking and “Party Rock Anthem”… Sorry guys but whenever I hears these two goofballs go at it, I just get off my chair and start shuffling! In zero G? Why not!

Pop Goes The World from Men Without Hats comes to mind (a masterpiece of Canadian music if I ever heard one) if only to remind me to get my sorry ass back on planet earth no later than “On Tuesday”!

Finally, after who knows how many days in this all work and no fun environment, it would be high time for George Thorogood’s 1 Bourbon 1 Scotch 1 Beer and start celebrating one of our good Hearth’s best inventions which you can bet your sweet ass I would have managed to smuggle on board somehow: booooooze!


My 5 Space Station albums, in no particular order:

[styled_box title=”Space Station 5 – Jean Marc Pisapia” color=”black”]

[two_third_last]Regatta De Blanc – The Police

[two_third_last]Seal – Seal

[one_third]LMFAO - Sorry For Party Rocking[/one_third]
[two_third_last]Sorry For Party Rocking – LMFAO[/two_third_last]

[one_third]Men Without Hats - Pop Goes The World[/one_third]
[two_third_last]Pop Goes The World – Men Without Hats

[one_third]George Thorogood[/one_third]
[two_third_last]George Thorogood And The Destroyers – George Thorogood
