

(Warner Music Canada)

By Keith Sharp

Think of a folksier version of Tegan & Sara and you have the vocal duo of Andrea Ramolo and Cindy Doire. Acquaintances for over 10 years before deciding their vocal harmonies did blend together as a group, Scarlett Jane are about to release their second studio recording, a self-titled release recorded at The Tragically Hip’s Bathhouse Studios, produced by Colin Cripps and Chris Stringer. A Cuban vacation in November 2013, served as a setting for the writing inspiration which shaped this new recording with Ramolo and Doire following the same, understated lyrical inspirations which sparked their `Stranger’ debut. Be it solid mid-tempo country rock tracks like the lead “Little Secret” or the colourful “Havana” or more sparsely produced, lyrically vivid ballads like the enchanting “I Grew Wild” or the heart-felt emotion of “For You”, Ramolo and Doire boast the capacity to write meaningful prose which are captured in the  textures and colour of the 11 tracks featured on this record. Worthy of special mention is Cripps whose guitar instrumentals add colourful nuances to the more subdued tracks while at the same time bringing more up-beat tracks like “All Just Wanna Be Loved” to life with some searing solo work.

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[youtube width=”385″ height=”223″ video_id=”BJ8AL4Rid4w”]

Download: “Little Secret”, “I Grew Wild”, “All Just Wanna Be Loved”