
Buble Opts Out Of Hosting The Brits


By Keith Sharp


The announcement that Canadian vocalist Michael Buble has pulled out of hosting the 2017 Brit Awards in London February 22, is a probable indication that he will also forgo a similar hosting duty for the 2017 Juno Awards to be staged on Sunday April 3rd in Ottawa.

Buble, who’s three-year old  son, Noah has been stricken with liver cancer, cancelled his hosting engagement as he has cancelled all previous engagements to focus on aiding his son’s recovery from his illness. His November studio album release, `Nobody But Me’ topped the Canadian charts but his attention to his son’s illness has prevented Buble from touring in support of the release.

Although Buble has yet to officially cancel his hosting engagement for the April 3rd CTV broadcast, it is anticipated that the Junos will need secure a different  stand-in host. This year’s Junos are set to honour Buffy Ste-Marie with a Humanitarian Award.