
Stars And Thunder Event Shines Light on Timmins

The City of Timmins may not be considered a national musical hot spot but an event this summer is sure to generate a major focus on this gold-mining city, located 680 kilometres north of Toronto.

Keith Urban
Keith Urban

From Saturday June 24th until Canada Day, July 1st a major talent lineup has been secured in conjunction with a week-long

Johnny Reid
Johnny Reid

International Fireworks Display.  Titled Stars And Thunder, the likes of Keith Urban, Johnny Reid and Meghan Patrick are set to headline  a Canada Day concert at the city’s Hollinger Park before a projected crowd which could attract up to 28,000 patrons. An event that will be climaxed by Team Canada’s fireworks display.

“The original plan was just to stage a Canada Day concert but when we also had the opportunity to stage a week-long fireworks festival, it made sense to extend the musical content also,” explained Steven Black, The Mayor of Timmins, who is the driving force behind the Stars And Thunder  initiative.”The idea of linking St Jean Baptiste Day (June 24th) to Canada Day creates a week-long festival that will attract people to come up to Timmins during that festive period.”

Timmins may be known as the city which developed Shania Twain and the city’s famous Maple Leaf Hotel provided Stompin Tom Connors with his first major engagement. But for the most part, major artists by-pass the city when planning their touring itineraries.

“I think people up here get upset when Timmins is left out of the major music scene,” Black allowed. “We do stage some strong regional festivals and we get the occasional name artist up here, but when we announced the lineup for Stars And Thunder, people here are genuinely excited.”


For the cost of $240 general admission and $400 VIP location (including HST) patrons can obtain a weekly pass that grants them admission to Canada Day’s showcase Keith Urban/Johnny Reid/Meghan Patrick show but also allows admission to the following lineup.  Saturday June 24th; Michel Pagliaro, LGS, Cindy Doire (France fireworks), Sunday June 25th; David Wilcox, Sass Jordan, Scarlett Jane, Celeste Levis, (Team Italy) Monday June 26th; Tom Cochrane (with Red Rider), Joel Plaskett, JJ Shiplett (Team Finland), Tuesday June 27th; Simple Plan, Lights (Team Ukraine), Wednesday June 28th; Hedley, Alyssa Reid (Team China), Thursday June 29th; April Wine, The Box, Alan Frew (Team Brazil), Friday June 28th; Cold Creek County, Washboard Union, Blackie Jackett Jr (Team U.K) and Saturday July 1st ; Keith Urban, Johnny Reid, Meghan Patrick, Sons Of Maxwell, Larry Berrio (Team Canada)

Single day tickets for Day’s One and Two can be purchased for $35 each, Day Three $60, Days Four and Five $80 each, Day Six $50 and a single day’s ticket for July 1st is $150. Tickets can be purchased on line from Front Gate Tickets by linking to stars&

“The vast majority are on board with the festival.” confirmed Mayor Black who conceeded there is always some concern within council about making the event profitable. “I think that when we sold over 10,000 tickets the first day, that proved we had significant interest support for the festival and we have solicited solid corporate interest. We are going to have to wait until after the festival is staged to just how financially successful but I think the revenues we will generate for business and retail will generate a lot of happy people.”

Simple Plan
Simple Plan

“What makes this event unique is the combination of the Fireworks Festival with the music concerts, an event like this hasn’t been done before,” Mayor Black allowed. With strong ticket sales generated locally and with all eight provinces, plus strong U.S and even foreign interest, Black is targeting the Stars And Thunder festival as a lightening rod to generate additional touring interest in his region.

Tom Cochrane

“We have got a growing music scene here around Timmins, Lights is from here, Cindy Doire (Scarlett Jane) and we have other local artists playing at this festival,” saying Black alluding to Francophone artist Celeste Levis, Larry Berrio and The Sons Of Maxwell who gained notoriety by writing a song about United Airlines wrecking one of their guitars in transit.

Accommodation could be a challenge with Mayor Black noting many hotels are asking for two or three-day minimum bookings “So if you are thinking of coming you might want to book early,” he warns.

But with lots of camping and RV sites available. Mayor Black is confident that the forthcoming Stars And Thunder Festival will serve as an exciting addition to the city’s 2017 touring calendar.

For further festival information. Please click