(Warner Music Canada) Reunited with ace producer Mitchell Froom, Sexsmith had just launched into the opening phase of recording sessions for his latest album, when he had to undergo the scare of possibly contracting throat cancer! Such a scare can have devasting consequences, yet to Sexsmith it was a chance to inject a sense of poignancy to his lyrics. As a result of the tests, which proved to be benign, Sexsmith has emerged with a batch of songs which reflect the trauma, and ultimate optimism of that troubled period. Songs like “If Only Avenue”, “Snake Road”, “Lost In Thought” and “Deepens With Time” find Sexsmith examining his past life and questioning his options before emerging with a more positive spin on the world. Unlike his most recent Long Player, Lost Player release, Sexsmith’s material boasts a more melodic, laid-back feel with string arrangements fleshing out the compositions. “Me, myself And Wine” does boast a distinctive New Orleans jazz feel but for the most part, this is an introspective Sexsmith, one that most of his followers will be comfortable tuning into. Introspection is what Sexsmith does best.
Suggested Downloads: Snake Road, Lost In Thought, Sneak Out The Back Door