Today (Tueday May 20th) culminates in the release of the debut, self-titled recording by Toronto-based Beautiful Nothing. Consisting of three brothers; Anthony Ludgate (lead vocals/keyboards), Luke Ludgate (guitars/keyboards), Shane Ludgate (drums/percussion) and their two friends, Sven Petrovic (guitar) and James Featherstone (bass) – the end result of months spent working away in a downtown Toronto loft crafting a record that recreates all the power and excitement of classic pop/rock yet utilizes modern studio technology to present a record that can be favourably compared current trendsetters like Cold Play or Radiohead.
Produced by Anthony Ludgate and Bill McDowell at Darren Magierowski’s Jukasa Studios located at the Ohsweken Indian Reserve, the band’s debut release balances melodic pop/rock melodies with some raucous rockers (“Everybody Got A Gun) and even includes some female lead vocals courtesy of Alicia Cameron who plays a role in the band’s live performance.
“We see ourselves as fresh blood, straddling the line between pop and dance music,” explained Anthony Ludgate just prior to Beautiful Nothing debuting their record last Saturday with a well-received performance to Toronto’s famed Horseshoe Tavern. “What really sells us is our live show. Our album is great but you really can’t comprehend what we’re all about until you see us live.”
[youtube width=”600″ height=”338″ video_id=”ScyT18p509o#t”]
Moulding their sound and performance over the past two years with a series of gigs at the Toronto club scene, Beautiful Nothing have been making all the right moves. A recent appearance at a Canadian Music Week concert at the Underground Garage generated turn-away crowds and the spicy video for their debut single “Come Colour Me” is already on heavy rotation on Much Loud and Aux TV.
“We understand that it is difficult to retail records so we are going heavy on social media,” noted Ludgate. “Instead of just one video, we are going to release six videos because, obviously, the more exposure we can create the more attention we can generate.”
Key radio stations like Toronto’s The Edge and Hamilton’s Y-108 plus key stations in Vancouver and Nanaimo are all ready reacting favourably to the band’s debut single and Ludgate announced that the band will be hitting the festival circuit this summer to bring their energetic live performance to the masses.
The Record:
BEAUTIFUL NOTHING (BKCI Entertainment/Universal)
Occasionally, very occasionally, a group or artist will emerge from the wannabe rabble with a release that just screams hit record! Toronto’s Beautiful Nothing is just such a band. Comprised of brothers Anthony Ludgate (vocals/keyboards), Luke Ludgate (guitar/keyboards) and Shane Ludgate (drums/percussion) plus Sven Petrovic (lead guitar) and James Featherstone (bass)and co-produced by Anthony Ludgate and Bill McDowell, Beautiful Nothing debut with 12 well-crafted pop/rock tracks that harken back to vintage classic rock bands while still maintaining a current recording edge.
Powered by Anthony Ludgate’s infectious vocals, Beautiful Nothing project a feel-good sound, driven by strong melodic numbers powered by strong lyrical hooks, and creative instrumental arrangements. From the pulsating raw energy of “Everybody Got A Gun” to the infectious layered harmonies that set off “Highway To The Sky” and “Stuck In Clouds”, both featuring a catchy rap segment and the effective use of female vocalist Alicia Cameron, Beautiful Nothing exhibit a knowledge of what sounds are current whilst at the same time also creating a tried and true pop/rock formula. It’s a sound that has been compared to early Colplay by some critics but I see them relating to The Killers or even early Collective Soul.
Their debut single “Come Color Me” checks off all those points with an engaging melody layered over a biting instrumental arrangement that’s already currying support from key national radio outlets and it seems to this listener that this album is at least six singles deep, creating a very impressive debut effort.
Download: “Highway To The Sky”, “Stuck In Clouds” , “Everybody Got A Gun”