
LORRAINE SEGATO Invincible Decency

(Get Off My Dress Productions)

That voice on that song in that band will always make things difficult for Lorraine Segato to separate herself from her former Parachute Club, but in releasing her first solo album in 15 years, Segato gives it a shot with 10 tracks that evoke a spirit of social optimism while at the same time recapturing some of that magical Parachute Club soca percussive beat that made “Rise Up” such a Can Con classic. Co-produced and co-written by former band guitarist David Gray, Segato successfully recreates vintage Parachute Club-sounding tracks on cuts like “We Gave The Night Away, “Only Human” and “Who You Are (Be What You Be)”. Yet there’s also World Music awareness on tracks like the title cut; “Invincible Decency”and the dub poet spirit of “Living on the Outside”, infused by D’Bi Young’s spoken prose. If there is a slight knock it’s that Segato tries to be a little too ambitious here. “Her poignant tribute to former drummer Billy Bryans on “Times Like This” is an album high point but her Italian pop song “Tengo Le Tasche Vuote” seems a bit misplaced and other tracks like “Hole in the Wall” and her defiant “I’m Coming Back” seem at odds with the overall production. Still Segato succeeds in recapturing the spirit of former glories and her vocals are as magnetic as ever.

Download: “We Gave The Night Away” “Times Like This”.

Lorraine Segato