
LIGHTS Little Machines

The barren writing spell endured by Lights as she adjusted her personal life to deal with a new husband and a new baby, have been well documented but finally, her loyal fan base have something to celebrate with the release of Little Machines. The trademark techno dance beats are still evident yet Lights, a.k.a Valerie Anne Poxlietner, has also developed a more confident lyrical style. Seemingly stung by the adverse critical reaction to her second record, Siberia, Lights seems poised to recapture the positive vibe of her 2009 Juno-winning The Listener debut with an 11 song set that are a lot more diversified in both production and performance than her previous effort. One stand out track in particular is the record’s debut single; “Up We Go” with its catchy lyrical chorus while the melodic “Don’t Go Home Without Me” shows off Lights’ sentimental side while “Running With The Boys” and “Slow Down” boast distinctive techno dance arrangements. It’s been a bit of a struggle over the past two years but `Little Machines’, produced by Drew Pearson in Los Angeles and Vancouver, suggests that Lights has got her groove back.

Download “Up We Go”, “Running With The Boys”, “Don’t Go Home Without Me”
