This week’s Space Station 5 comes to us from Alannah Myles.
“I was hard pressed to choose only 5. Simply not possible.
If I was gone for six months on the space station I know I would not be content to limit my choices to only 5 albums. My appetite for music varies exceedingly. I know I’d be missing my beloved Bengal kitty, Ariel. Undoubtedly he’d not be equipped for space travel and I’m sure I’d be pining for a collection of songs close to my heart or at the very least, music that brings me a sense of comfort which I can always find when listening to the only album ever recorded by Crosby Stills Nash & Young: Déjà vu.
Out there in the vast blue yonder I’m sure I’d feel a tremendous longing for one of my favourite bands, Little Feat.
And lastly, despite potential for any presumed self-aggrandizement, I’d choose from my Rockinghorse album, Song Instead Of a Kiss. A song I co-wrote for Sir Robert (Plant) which unceremoniously served as his inspiration for his having written 29 Palms. Song would make a perfect soundscape for any Space Station backdrop. ”
My 5 Space Station albums, in no particular order:
[styled_box title=”Space Station 5 – Alannah Myles” color=”black”]
[two_third_last] Living With The Law – Chris Whitley
[two_third_last]Sailin’ Shoes – Little Feat
[two_third_last]Famous Blue Raincoat – Jennifer Warnes[/two_third_last]
[two_third_last]Deja Vu – Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
[two_third_last]Blue – Joni Mitchell
[two_third_last]Bonus Album! (I said 5 wasn’t enough!)
85bpm – Alannah Myles[/two_third_last]
About Alannah Myles:
Grammy Nominated Canadian singer-songwriter and the daughter of Canadian broadcast pioneer William Douglas Byles (1914–1988), who was inducted into the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ Hall of Fame in 1997.