
Legacy: A Tribute to Gord Downie at Burlington Performing Arts Centre

The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Legacy: A Tribute to Gord Downie
Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Burlington Performing Arts Centre, in collaboration with The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund (DWF), will present Legacy: A Tribute to Gord Downie on Thursday, October 17. This second annual event will be a special evening to celebrate the man, the music and his legacy.

Legacy: A Tribute to Gord Downie, an evening of musical tributes, raises money and
awareness and continues the conversation that began with Chanie Wenjack’s residential school story. This concert of awareness, education, and thoughtful action will include performances
by Twin Flames, DALA, Royal Wood, Peter Katz, Kevin Fox,
and Adrian Sutherland (of Midnight Shine) and more.

Funds raised will go directly to the DWF, and the designation of the Downie/Wenjack Fund Legacy Space at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre – the first performing arts centre
in Canada to do so. Legacy Spaces are designated spaces that are dedicated to providing accurate information regarding Indigenous history and the journey of reconciliation.

The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund is part of Gord Downie’s legacy and embodies his commitment, and that of his family, to improving the lives of First Peoples in Canada.
In collaboration with the Wenjack family, the goal of the fund is to continue the conversation that began with Chanie Wenjack’s residential school story and to aid the collective reconciliation journey through a combination of awareness, education and action. Funds raised through Legacy Spaces help support the development of resources for the spaces as well as DWF programming such
as Legacy Schools, ReconciliACTIONs and events that serve to bring Indigenous and
non-Indigenous communities together.

The Burlington Performing Arts Centre
Legacy: A Tribute to Gord Downie

Thursday, October 17 at 8pm
440 Locust Street, Burlington, Ontario
Tickets can be purchased by telephone, online or in-person:
Tickets: $59.50