
The Headstones’ Hugh Dillon tackles the ME10

The Headstones are back. They are getting ready to record a new album after an extremely successful 10 city tour last year and the release of the single Bin This Way For Years. We had the pleasure of chatting with Hugh Dillon – writer, singer, actor – for the ME 10.

 1. State your name for the record and is there any unique history to it?

Hugh Rush Dillon. Rush is mom’s maiden name, Hugh is my uncle’s name. 100% Irish. And they call it Black Irish, which means not always pleasant.

 2. Where did the inspiration for this song come from?

It came from the fans, getting back on the road after eight years. A sense of doing what you have to do, no matter what anyone tells you. And it was recognizing who and what we were and seeing that reflected in the fans.

 3. What is the concept for this video, where did that come from?

I had to review some photos of the band online and as clicked through them they kind of flashed through this semi-animated vibe. So I called up Chad Maker at Agency71, we knocked around the concept, he shot the live footage and Darryl Spreen cut the thing into a hyper-speed assault on the senses.

[youtube width=”600″ height=”338″ video_id=”txLIskIVEfU”]

 4. What’s the best music related experience you’ve had in the past year?

Working with the guys again. The energy, the vibe and being better than ever before – and sharing that with the most solid dedicated group of fans anyone could ask for.

 5. What’s the best advice you received when breaking into the music industry?

Debbie Ricks told me – Make a demo, record your songs, get them out there and play live. A lot.

 6. Is there one piece of advice you’d give someone starting out in entertainment?

If you don’t care, no one else will.

 7. Do you have particular comfort food when you are on the road?


 8. Is there one venue or show  you’ve played that is your favourite?

The Commodore, in Vancouver.

 9. Favourite Music film of all time?

Sid and Nancy

 10. What do you do to relax?

Make movies with my friends.

The Headstones campaign for the new album is on Pledge Music – check it out here and guarantee your piece of Headstones history.