
CMW Showcase Shenanigans

Last night The Rivoli was rockin’ with a stellar line-up of bands at the Music Express CMW Showcase. Beautiful Nothing, The Cocksure Lads, HoneyRunners and many more took to the stage and proved that in this country, you can’t throw a stone without hitting a talented musician – they’re EVERYWHERE! Thanks to the bands and the fans who came out to party. Our gallery and full write up of the night will follow shortly, but in the meantime, here’s a taste of some of the shenanigans.

Also, don’t forget you can Win an autographed CMW Showcase poster!

Marcus - The Honeyrunners
Marcus from The Honeyrunners – representin’

The Honeyrunners at CMW
The Honeyrunners kicking it CMW style!

Jim Beam
Jim Beam Girls – Lovin’ The Music Express

The Cocksure Lads
Murray Foster and The Cocksure Lads


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