
Lieberman Validates Concert Venue Switch

Lieberman Validates Concert Venue Switch
Loren Lieberman with  Gord Deppe and Sandy Horne of The Spoons Sometimes life can get boring when you become a none-event. As Hamilton’s Festival of Friends festival sets up August 7 to August 9 to celebrate its 40th anniversary, event artistic director Loren Lieberman finds himself in the strange position of not being the catalyst of controversy with Hamilton’s city... Read More

Pemberton: The Ultimate Festival Experience

Pemberton: The Ultimate Festival Experience
July Talk So what’s a good ole boy from Mobile Alabama doing running one of Canada’s largest and most scenic music concert festivals? Glad you asked!  Organizer of the highly successful Hang Out Beach Festival staged at Gulf Shores, Alabama, the Tortuga Beach y Music Festival staged at Fort Lauderdale, and the Baku, EDM, indie festival in New Orleans, (which... Read More

Sturgis Canada Music Fest – What Went Wrong?

Sturgis Canada Music Fest – What Went Wrong?
Organizer Ray Sasseville with partner Joan Hansen meet Burton Cummings It’s inside room 207 at the Intown Suites motel in Merritt B.C on Sunday August 24th. Waking up in anticipation of attending the final day of the Sturgis Canada Music Festival which began on Thursday August 21st, I am greeted at the door by my Word Travels Fast Consulting... Read More

Sturgis Canada: Mounting A Musical Invasion

Sturgis Canada: Mounting A Musical Invasion
Above: Ray Sasseville with the Premier of BC – Christy Clark Imagine living in a small, sleepy town in Sturgis South Dakota, regular population 6,627, when annually, one week in August, upwards of 500,000 bikers descend on your location to stage the annual Sturgis Bike Rally. As scary as that spectacle may be, the Sturgis town council welcome this influx... Read More

2013 Festival Guide

2013 Festival Guide
The summer festival concert season kicks off Friday in Burlington, Ontario when The Sound Of Summer event attracts a number of classic Canadian bands who will also play June 13-16 downtown Burlington, primarily at the city’s Waterfront location. Acts performing include The Spoons, The Kings, The Grapes Of Wrath and Honeymoon Suite on Friday, Down With Webster (June 13th), Big... Read More