
NICKELBACK – The Best Of Nickelback Volume 1

You can say what you like about Nickelback, that they’re repetitive, derivative, and the butt of numerous Saturday Night Live jokes – Chad Kroeger, Ryan Peake, Mike Kroeger and Daniel Adair, couldn’t give a toss, they’re laughing all the way to the bank. Having sold over 50 million records worldwide already, I am sure this 17-track best of from their six previous releases will chalk up another couple of million just in time for Christmas.

There is something about Canadian success stories globally that for some reason turns off their critics, yet the pride of Hanna, Alberta will point to their continued success, especially in the United States where they continue to dominate the Billboard charts and radio airplay at a time when even Paul McCartney, Elton John and Bruce Springsteen can’t get exposure for their new releases. Yes, in the past decade, they are Canada’s only band to score continuous airplay, retail sales and mega concert ticket sales internationally.

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Love them or hate them, Nickelback doesn’t care, this 17-song reflection shows how versatile this band really is. From mega chart-topping hits like their breakthrough `How You Remind Me’, `Photograph’ and `Rockstar’ to melodic ballads like `Some Day’ and `Save Me’ to raucous rockers like `Animals’ and `Figure It Out’, Nickelback have figured out the perfect formula for radio-friendly, hook-laden hits. Yes their songs are about, sex, booze, hookers and rock and roll but these are universal themes. Most people would rather listen to basic lyrical themes than songs about global warming and the war in Afghanistan!. You can call them Pearl Jam and Creed knockoffs if you want but where are these bands today?

And no one gives credit to Chad Kroeger for his outpouring of lyrical creativity with other bands through his 604 label, (3 Doors Down), his outside hits (‘Hero’) from the Spiderman movie soundtrack or even his latest collaboration, `Let Me Go’ with his new wife Avril Lavigne which is the centre point of her new album.

Nah!, say what you want about Nickelback, as they currently tour South Africa on their “Hits Tour”, the last laugh is on their critics. After all, a band that was voted the second biggest international band in the U.S this decade (beaten only by The Beatles) can’t be doing too bad.