
Courage My Love – Becoming

(Homeskool Prom Records & Warner Music Canada) When a major label is making a major fuss over a new Canadian act, you know something positive is happening. Such is the case of Kitchener Ontario trio, twin sisters Mercedes Arn-Horn (guitar/vocals), Phoenix Arn-Horn (drums/vocals) and new bassist Brandon Lockwood. After their 2011 debut EP,` For Now’ made a big enough impression to get the band on last year’s Vans Warped tour, Courage My Love have just released their eight-track EP debut for Warner’s. Billed as an alternative/punk band, CML exhibit all the youthful enthusiasm of a power rock trio where bombastic arrangements are just as important as melodic vocals. Yet this often works against them when their vocals get overpowered by their instruments – might be okay on stage, but in the studio they need to develop more balance. Such is the case on `Cold Blooded’, `We’re Not In Kansas Anymore’ and `Lost Cause’ where there seems to be a conflict in the arrangements. By comparison, the lead off `Skin And Bones’, a controlled melodic `All I Need’ and the ambitious `Dark Wood, Dark Water’ sound much more effective. Debut single is a powerful `You Don’t Know Me and, overall, a promising debut from a band that in time will learn how to harness their natural aggression to produce more balanced recordings.

Suggested Downloads: Skin And Bone, All I Need, You Don’t Know Me

Becoming - Courage My Love